How To Check if Your Journey Is Wheelchair Accessible

As a wheelchair user, it can be stressful not knowing if your destination is going to be accessible or not. Fortunately, with technology always advancing, there are a myriad of ways to check ahead and plan a wheelchair accessible journey. 

Google Maps

Google Maps have recently launched a feature on their app to help wheelchair user find possible routes that take mobility needs into consideration. This is a revolutionary feature for wheelchair users who no longer have to worry if their route is safe to travel. 

In addition to making public transportation more accessible, Google Maps have made it possible for users around the world to help by adding accessibility information. Anything from whether a location has step-free access or an accessible restroom, are the kind of information that is readily available for wheelchairs users at the tip of their fingers. Additionally, Google Maps have been “capturing and updating Street View imagery of transit stations and city centersso users can check out their destination ahead of time. 

Public Transport

Larger cities with advanced public transportation systems will have accessibility information readily available for their customers. For example, Transport for London, has a bespoke section on their website so serve the disabled community. On their website, they have guides on which stations have step free access as well as platform boarding access. These resources are incredibly useful when it comes to planning your journey! 

Local Attractions

If you have plans to visit a specific location, it will give you peace of mind knowing whether your destination is wheelchair accessible. Often, these interest points will have a website detailing their mobility accessibility, if not, you can contact them directly yourself.

Local Facebook Groups

The wheelchair community in particular is very supportive and active when it comes to sharing information about local attractions. If you have time to plan ahead, you should find some local wheelchair groups and ask about the most popular attractions and whether they are accessible. You mind even find some hidden gems on your way!

Planning ahead will give you a boost of confidence before you even start your journey! All of these resources can be accessed on the go, when you’re ready to go. Having the right wheelchair by your side, whether it’s a power or manual wheelchair, can make your travels more safe and comfortable. Check out KARMA’s selection of top wheelchairs for travel

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