What To Do When a Location Isn’t Wheelchair Accessible

If you arrive at your destination, and it is not obviously accessible, the first thing to do is to seek assistance from the staff. There might be an alternative entrance. However, to avoid disappointments when you reach your destination, there are a variety of apps that wheelchair users can download to check the status of their destination as well as where to go. Alternatively, if you have a schedule in mind, you can plan ahead with these top tips.

iAccess Life App

iAccess Life is an app that allows wheelchair users to communicate and share their experiences at establishments around the world. This kind of information is essential to wheelchair users to prepare in advance if their destination is wheelchair accessible. In the event that a location isn’t wheelchair accessible, app users can share that information with the wheelchair community. This app is not only great for wheelchair users, but anyone with impaired mobility. In the iAccess Life app users can rate the parking, seating, entrance, and bathroom. This app allows for better planning when visiting hotels, restaurants, and stores. Download: iAccess Life for Android | iOS.


The Wheelmap app is similar to the iAccess Life app in that it is a place for users to rate the accessibility of their destination. For wheelchair users who rely on their wheelchair as their main mode of transportation, apps like this can help them avoid locations that aren’t wheelchair accessible. On Wheelmap, users can upload pictures of the accessible locations for other wheelchair users to assess if they can visit! Wheelmap for Android | iOS


Uber is a popular ride-sharing app that you may have used before, however, did you know that they also cater specifically to wheelchair users? There is a specific option for you to choose when you need a wheelchair accessible vehicle. Whilst all Uber’s are equipped to store a wheelchair or other mobility devices in their car, you will have to request a specific car in order to use your wheelchair as a seat in a motor vehicle. In the event that your destination is not wheelchair accessible, you can always call an Uber to take you somewhere more convenient. 

The safety of our wheelchair user’s is of the utmost importance, so it’s important that if you intend to travel in a car with your wheelchair, that you pick a chair that has been crash tested. This means that your chair has been approved to be used as a chair in a vehicle according to international safety standard ISO 7176-19. Uber for Android | iOS

Sharing your experience with others is an important part of accessibility. Not only with the wheelchair community, but to the businesses that you weren’t able to access in the hopes they will update their facilities. To avoid disappointment in the future, if you can plan ahead for your journey. In a previous blog, we shared some ways to check if your destination is wheelchair accessible, as well as how to reach your destination with a wheelchair. If you’re unsure about what wheelchair is most suited to you and your lifestyle, you can contact KARMA Medical.