
The Benefits of a Caregiver for the Elderly

The Benefits of a Caregiver for the Elderly

Caregivers to the elderly are not only beneficial to the seniors themselves, but they are also beneficial to the loved one’s family. They often work around the needs of the elderly person and family with options of being full time, part-time or families looking for respite. Here is a list of the benefits of a caregiver: Peace of mind Family ... Read More>
Who Requires a Caregiver?

Who Requires a Caregiver?

Having a caregiver is a personal choice, however, it is not a sign of losing independence. Quite the opposite, it is a way to achieve an independent life and remove any feelings of feeling like a burden. Hiring someone full time or part-time outside the family and friendship group could open up a life of possibilities for the elderly. Signs ... Read More>
What Does a Caregiver Do for the Elderly?

What Does a Caregiver Do for the Elderly?

“Caregiver”, “carer”, “caretaker” all refer to someone who is providing care of another person, whether to a child or a sick, elderly, or disabled person. There are also different types of caregivers that provide specific care. They may provide care for that person long term or short term, but they are there to support the individual depending on their needs.  ... Read More>
What Are the Basic Requirements for Wheelchair Access Ramps

What Are the Basic Requirements for Wheelchair Access Ramps

A wheelchair access ramp must be adapted to meet the needs of all types of people whether it be for power wheelchairs, manual wheelchairs, mobility scooters and the elderly. It’s important to take into account the needs of these mobility users and provide them with equipment and facilities that are not only accessible but also safe for them to use ... Read More>
The Benefits of A Folding Power Wheelchair

The Benefits of A Folding Power Wheelchair

KARMA understand how important freedom and independence is to a wheelchair user. A folding power wheelchair could be the solution that wheelchairs users need to achieve this. This blog is going to discuss the benefits of a folding power wheelchair and why it’s never been easier to get out and about!  Increases your independence Wheelchair users can sometimes feel like ... Read More>
What Is an Occupational Therapist?

What Is an Occupational Therapist?

An Occupational Therapist (OT) is a healthcare professional who carries out assessments and intervenes to develop, recover, and maintain daily activities. Occupational therapists take a “holistic approach” to include both the mental and physical wellness of the patient to enable that person to reach their full potential.  Occupational therapists provide practical support and solutions to facilitate recovery and overcome barriers ... Read More>
Best Lightweight Manual KARMA Wheelchairs for Travelling

Best Lightweight Manual KARMA Wheelchairs for Travelling

There are many lightweight manual wheelchairs on the market, but what is the best lightweight manual KARMA wheelchair for travelling? Take a look at our top picks for wheelchair users that plan to use their wheelchair to travel! Whether it’s for a short day trip or you plan to travel around the world, we’ve got something for you…. Ultra lightweight ... Read More>
What Are the Requirements for a Wheelchair Adapted Motor Vehicle

What Are the Requirements for a Wheelchair Adapted Motor Vehicle

After learning what a wheelchair accessible is and of the costs it will take to adapt such a vehicle, it is essential to remember the key requirements for a vehicle to be adapted entirely, it must have the following features: Adapted hinged door Wheelchair lift system Sufficient interior space to accommodate the wheelchair A way to anchor the wheelchair safely ... Read More>